Rob Kritzinger – Junior Developer
Rob’s focus is on web development using Microsoft.NET, AngularJS and Bootstrap, to develop, support and enhance systems for various clients.
At his first technical position at a local tech start up, Rob was involved in a project to build a platform for local entrepreneurs to connect to their communities and thereby enhance business growth. This exposed Rob to the possibilities that lie in IT and he decided to pursue a formal IT qualification, developing web, mobile and desktop apps within the Microsoft stack. After graduating as the top student Nationally, Rob joined Vicitude’s Back-office Team.
@Rob: I find the problem solving aspect of software engineering fascinating, and I believe this industry has the most opportunity for innovation that will benefit society, which brings meaning and purpose to my work.
Rob’s free time is mainly taken up by sports: Kitesurfing most days in the summer, and surfing and rock climbing in the winter. To further his education he continues developing his knowledge in everything he finds interesting, namely, Computer Science, mathematics, and new technologies that compliment his skillset.