Neville Perkins – Senior Developer
Neville is our Code-mechanic. He enjoys designing and building web solutions using the latest MS technologies and frameworks.
As a Van Zyl & Pritchard “graduate” Neville started at Standard Bank as a trainee programmer on the mainframe doing maintenance and later development on the credit card system in IBM COBOL and Natural/Adabas. Working through the corporate ranks of junior programmer and then programmer, he moved over to client-server development in Visual Basic 5 and 6. Then he was lured in by the growth in the late 90′s of the internet, and started doing web development for Dimension Data at FNB. In 2001 he severed all ties with mainframe work and started specialising in desktop and web development using the Microsoft platform and frameworks. At this time, Neville joined the PBT Group, where he worked on and delivered .Net solutions for large clients such as Fairbairn Capital, Vodacom and Old Mutual.
@Neville. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I strive to deliver the best possible software solutions. I specialise in the web space using Microsoft technologies and frameworks that are cross-device friendly. It’ a pleasure to be part of this small but extremely skilled, experienced and passionate team where we provide daily run-and-maintain services as well as the development of new solutions. We are often involved in more than just the development of these solutions and usually provide everything from designing the software and hardware architecture, to delivering the final, custom developed web application or software.
When not pounding away at his keyboard writing code, you’ll find him jogging, mountain biking, hiking, bird watching, listening to music, playing Grand Turismo, picking at his classical guitar, or practicing or teaching Capoeira. In whatever spare time he has, he dabbles in a bit of Windows Phone development.