Stephan Bouwer – Developer
Stephan is currently responsible for the development, integration, maintenance and support of systems for one of our Midrand Clients, but also assists our Cape-based Team as and when necessary.
Stephan obtained a BSc degree from Herriot-Watt University while working full time at a software consulting firm. Whilst there, he gained experience in a wide variety of technologies, before joining Vicitude in 2013.
@Stephan: I enjoy working with the latest technologies available, especially Mule. I also enjoy all the learning opportunities and interesting challenges that I am presented with on a daily basis.
In his free time, Stephan likes mountain biking, hiking, jogging and online gaming. He also helps manage online communities, including a Facebook group with 16 000 + members. Stephan is also a very good cook – with his speciality being his legendary Amarula cake.