Mariete Verwey

Mariete Verwey – Developer

Mariete is a Software Developer in our Midrand-based Team. She is responsible for the development, testing, implementation and maintenance of solutions to meet the Client’s requirements.

After completing a degree in computer engineering Mariete started her career journey as an electronics design engineer, where she enjoyed getting hands-on experience working with circuit boards and soldering irons for a mining company. She decided she needed a change, so switched careers to Java development and was responsible for the maintenance of an old-school Java AWT/Spring user interface for an electronic warfare company. Then, after a stint being responsible for other people’s money as a JEE developer for an e-commerce company, she decided to rather let them worry about their own money, and joined Vicitude.

@Mariete: I love figuring out problems and enjoy learning. Currently, my position allows me to learn new technologies and new ways of thinking of solutions, while giving me the opportunity to work on real-live problems. I love the people in the team – if it wasn’t for them, I would not be able to look forward to a day at work while sitting on the N1 parking lot.

Mariete is a quiet observer, preferring to be the person in the background taking photos of others having fun. She really enjoys a good book, loves listening to music and has a passion for Anime (Japanese hand-drawn or computer animation). For daily exercise, her dogs take her to the park, and since it seemed that her knight on his white horse got lost, she decided she needed her own horse, so is now learning to ride her own! Mariete professes to being secretly addicted to time-management games, but one day she intends to cycle more, hike more, go camping and travel to Japan. First on the list however, is a trip to see the Namaqualand flowers.