The following are some of the projects our Team has delivered:
A client wanted to replace their legacy point of sale system, which was based on the use of Telnet (character based) terminals, with a more modern system. The requirement was that this be done without major changes to the backend ERP system. We chose the Mule ESB CE edition as the integration platform, and thus allowed the client to start implementing their chosen POS system in a very short time. The backend ERP system was not affected by the changes. The new integration platform has also opened up the possibility of introducing Web and Mobile based User Interfaces for other systems and our client is now planning this migration.
Technologies Used: MuleESB
A system developed to enable our client to interview claimants and capture the details of their accident. On completion of the data capturing, the system automatically generates a report which is then used in court for the claimants 3rd Party Claim. The previous system made use of manual templates which was time consuming and open to error. According to our client several unsuccessful attempts had been made to automate this system prior to them making contact with us.
Technologies Used: MEAN Stack (Mongo, Express, AngularJS, NodeJS)
Our client approached us to replace a system, that wasn’t user-friendly, with a richer UI with graphical interaction. We re-wrote the system using SilverLight, pop-out graphics, colourful layouts and vastly improved usability. The application is now stand-alone, and the data source can be changed at any time without affecting the UI.
Using RAD tool LightSwitch, we created an application to allow our client to manage user access to various web applications.
We created a time logging system, using C# Windows Forms desktop App and SQL Server, to enable our client to quantify work done by various internal resources and produce management reports.
A client’s Intermediary Portal was experiencing slow response times, required a high degree of back-end manual intervention regarding its content management and had no reporting facilities. After a thorough review, we determined that the architecture and code structures were a major contributing factor to the response problems and recommended a re-design of the front-end, clean-up of the back-end architecture and implementation of a content management and workflow application. Once these recommendations were implemented:
There was a radical improvement in response time, resulting in an increase in number of users;
Content Providers are now able to access and update their content directly reducing the cost of running the portal;
Management of the portal is easier, more effective and less costly as large portions of manual work have been automated and systems are in place to notify of outdated content and provide reports for content owners and stakeholders.
We currently provide ongoing support and maintenance for this portal.
Our experienced Technical Consultant has used his in-depth knowledge of SharePoint to assist one of our clients in providing:
A centralised solution for scanned documents (with easy retrieval thereof);
A custom developed front-end (with SSRS as reporting structure using Subscription Services) – in order to enable the distribution of Bonus Reports to a wide range of users.
One of our Teams has played a key role in the design, deployment and maintenance of middleware for one of the major Telematics players. The systems we’ve developed and implemented deal with real time communications with tracked devices (i.e. your motor vehicle), which entails the handling of very high messaging values through a real time system. Complex real time analytics and business rules must be applied to each message received. At the same time these vast amounts of real time data need to be stored in a database in a format that can be easily accessed and used for real-time reporting.
Technologies Used: SonicESB, SonicMQ, ActiveMQ, MuleESB
The following are some of the types of web application / User Interface (UI) development that we have done for various clients:
Creation of a UI to view, capture and monitor debt data;
Developed an internet accessible application to allow intermediaries to manage the mentorship of new intermediaries. This included sourcing intermediary and mentorship relationship data and building a feed from the relevant source;
Creation of a UI to capture and maintain personnel data on a Central Database. This also involved ensuring that all new records would automatically be populated onto the Service Desk Database;
Silverlight and other browser plug-ins don’t run on most mobile devices, so we were approached to re-engineer an existing UI to use a non-plug-in platform with a new facelift (as provided by an external supplier), without affecting the back-end. We did this using HTML5, AngularJS, MVC, .Net 4 and SQL Server;
Development of a dashboard (UI) to enable intermediaries to spot marketing opportunities. This required the sourcing of data and establishing of feeds from disparate systems in a large corporate, and exposing the relevant information via a new UI;
Using basic ASP.Net, we created a Workflow Web App to enable our client to manage a quote’s lifecycle and provide report generation functionality. The system includes complex automated number generation processing.
An online multi-system SAS based application was experiencing response times in excess of 4 seconds. We were approached to evaluate the existing hardware with the view to recommending an upgrade path. We determined that the hardware was in fact under-utilised and an upgrade would not solve the problem. We isolated the cause within the application and showed the client how the response time could be reduced by less than 1 second, by changing the way the application interacted with SAS – thus saving the client the cost of an unnecessary upgrade.
An application providing the business with the functionality to log calls to back-end help desk, whilst intelligently assisting them to:
Categorise calls;
Gather sufficient data the first time, to eliminate need for follow-up calls (and thus delays in resolving the problem).
The client required a user friendly frontend to the Connect Direct product to enable end users to schedule and monitor large numbers of file transfers. Features include:
Scheduling transfers to run unattended at specified time;
Monitoring of transfers and the automated raising of alerts;
Detailed and summary reporting.
Let us help you solve your IT related business issues. Contact us to discuss your issues / requirements…